a school shooter that kills all the disabled kids in a special needs schools
‘did you hear about that Salad Smoker that shot up at that retard school? It was wheely bad...’
A type of smoking developed by prisoners. When smoking a cigarette without the ashes falling off, leaving a long strain of ashes when done smoking.
Kennet is so cheap he doesn't tap his cigarette, he's such a prison smoker
The act of placing ones mouth over her Camel Toe and sucking furiously on the meat curtains until one runs out of breath and then inhaling the stench.
David is a great lover but boy, he sure is quite the camel smoker (laughs)
Bogey Smokers usually smoke 8 packs of bogeys a day the bogey smoker usually is named Angel Rosario. Angel Rosario is a kid with mental problems he will talk shit about you but then a day later hey wassup what school you going to. But the good thing about bogey smoker is that he came up with the fish jumpshot joke.......
.......He’s still a faggot bogey smoking fucktard who steals his moms credit card to not only buy v bucks but bogeys as well
Guy 1: What’s up bogey smoker
Bogey smoker: what’s up daddy you trying to put it in my butt
Guy 1: yeah but I got to warn you I have a hoodie so if you feel a little bit of crust don’t say anything
The person who makes the promise believes they can carry through with it but everyone else knows that they probably won't
Smoker's Promise- The classic "I can quit anytime"
Someone who smokes but who doesn't have the tell-tale aroma about them that gives them away as a smoker.
I saw this guy I work with smoking, but I never would have guessed, he's such a clean smoker.