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switch snob

Someone who has abandoned old gaming systems like the Nintendo DS In favor of the Switch.

Your sister is such a Switch Snob; she won't play Animal Crossing Wild World with us.

by Kabuki_4ever December 26, 2022


An anishnaabe that acts too good for everyone and becomes a snob. - Anish-Snob.

"i don't know why people turn into an anish-snob when they get a little bit of money."
"that chick we met at the bar lastnight was a real anish-snob."

by Uoeno09 May 18, 2017

Cultural Food Snob

Someone who will lecture another person on the "right way" of eating foods pertaining to other cultures. They think they are being helpful, however they come across as uppity, in a very self righteous manner. These types of people are mainly found in the comment sections of TikTok videos, usually posts about food reviews either takeout or homecooked. There is no right or wrong way to enjoy food, it all comes out the same way anyways...

Also can be applied to someone complaining of a food not being "authentic enough" to their liking

"Hey guys today we are going to be reviewing Indian food from Punjab Palace."
*proceeds to eat curry with naan and rice

Commenters: "ACKTCHUALLY! You do not eat it like this! It's all wrong! If you are going to eat the food of my people I suggest you eat it right or stick to chicken tenders and fries!"

Reply: Wow... What a cultural food snob.


by tiggilywigglesdahomie February 9, 2024

powder snobs

A bunch of freeloading hippies who hang out at the local ski hill “tent city or some shity RV etc. “ for the biggest dump of fresh snow only to ruin it for the rest of the normal skiers and snowboarding group that contributes to the ski hill. Usally on unemployment insurance or welfare drinking some shit brand of beer while having the best ski gear noted.

It dumped a foot of snow Thursday but I know thoses powder snobs already ruined it by the time I sent it Saturday

by Fredophile February 4, 2018

work snob

The one person in the office everyone despises.

Ashley is a work snob because she thinks she's a boss.

by Sassysavvy July 13, 2015

Redneck snob

Noun: A simple person who is a bit red-neck, but also likes to embrace the finer things in life.

Adjective: A way to describe someone or something that is red-neck as all get out but has a feel of fancy.

Verb: Acting in a way that boast of a little bit hillbilly and a little bit Beverly Hills.

"She is such a redneck snob. She will use duct tape for any fix, pour lighter fluid onto lit charcoal, shoots guns, and swears enough to make her mama cringe.but she also wears pearls, wants all of her tattoos to be able to be covered and gets her nails done regularly."

"Is she pouring her warm Busch lite into that pilsner? How very redneck snob of her"

"Sometimes she goes all redneck snob and garnishes the brats with fancy herbs."

by RedneckSnobOG June 29, 2021


When a person is proud of knowing nothing about a certain field or subject and is publicly referring to this all the time.

"As if I'd know anything about wine, jusst give me the cheapest and I'm happy, haha" - Anti-Snob

by Elisabeth McGrowthnoth December 12, 2017