The act of self gratification by means of putting hand in pocket. Similar to pocket pool but more agressive and obviously wet....
Dave is such a fag bag all he wants to do at work is sit in the truck and go pocket surfing all day.
The practice of abusing free trials at various gyms to prevent paying for a membership.
I'm only in town for a couple weeks but I gotta work out bro. I'm gonna try gym surfing so I don't have to pay.
The action of riding your cousin in a bathtub or water bed .
My cousin Stacey wanted to go surfing but, i was horny, so we went Alabama surfing
Fastforwarding through shitty, low budget Netflix movies and only watching scenes with topless girls.
Rob, Jake, and I had bad luck tit surfing "Casting Couch" because we only saw one pair of tits.
Salmon surfing is when you jump as high as you can with arms down at your sides in front of family and/or friends. And then launch yourself onto a crowd of humans.
Man, I saw my brother Salmon Surfing last night and I wasn't sure whether to cheer or crap my pants!
To borrow a driveway, toilet, and shower for cleaning up when living out of a van.
On their 2-month road trip, Sarah and Buck took up regular driveway surfing to keep the van smelling fresh.
When people sleep on city sidewalks, usually performed by homeless people.
"I got kicked out of the shelter, so I guess I'm back to cement surfing."