A horrible ship name between people with the name Star and Trey.
What's your ship name then. Oh it's Tar.
Average soundcloud rapper, not better then NickyD
Lil $tar$ just put out a new song
A tar on the front rear of a car
That guy Delmas has a degree in front rear tars.
He won the Lomtardy trophy for his front rear tar
A young rapper who made his big hit Rep 2020. He is aspiring to reach the highest of Levels
Did you hear about Black Diamond Purple Tar Tar the Mother Fucking Don? He is now a level 90
To verbally or physically berate or attack someone
The team whale the tar of the opposition 2-20. The security guard dragged them round the corner and whales the tar out of them.
Beat or thrash someone severely. Another definition of whale is to attach either verbally or physically. hit or beat someone.
The team whale the tar out of their opponent 20-2. The security officer dragged them into the lane way and started whaling the tar out of them
A crude semisynthetic mixture of 7-hydroxymitragynine and other uncharacterized byproducts commonly sold in tablet form at gas stations and headshops
I've been binging black tar kratom for a week and about ripped my asshole trying to take a shit I was so constipated