Source Code

Sailor Moon

One of the most popular targets for hentai artists

Ye gods! I didn't know she did that!

by i_anonymous April 5, 2005

461๐Ÿ‘ 155๐Ÿ‘Ž

flag on the moon

A colloqualism that has the same effect as the phrase 'what the fuck' (abbr. wtf?!) i.e. denoting incredulity.
This phrase first appeared in the 1961 D film 'The Beast of Yucca Flats',due to the director actually misplacing the soundtrack of the movie, and it has since been a mystery why or what it had to do with the movie plot.

"My best friend was a crafty butcher..."
"Flag on the moon, mate?!"

by Coleman Francis March 21, 2006

29๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

New Moon

The second book in the Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer

New Moon is the one were Edward bends over and his pants fall off turning Jacob into a Werewolf

by Omallyolivas June 1, 2009

144๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sailor Moon

Sailor moon is about Senshi ( warriors ) in the beginning there where only 5 but soon grew to like 12 i believe ( with the Stars season they refused to bring to america ) It is about a Princess reborn with her protectors to fight evil. Sailor moon wasn't a childrens show exactly in the japanese version. It has serious issues in it. It was cancled most likely because they couldn't hide men turning into women and the obvious relationship of Haruka and Michiru ( english amar and machelle). The japanese episodes. Have crossdressers lesbians men turning into women ( or women turning into men technically ). They had nudity and deaths in it. Cartoonnet work wont allow such things which is why they wont have Ranma 1/2 on there. The ratings probably went down when people started to watch more of the subed ( japanese versions translated by subtilts ) and lost intereted in the dubed ( what Cartoonnet work shows) There is a long list of WHY cartoon net work cancled it and added on ( that stupid sailor moon says crap isnt in the original ) It is the same with any other anime on Cartoonnet work they are cut and edited.

Sailor moon is about fighting for good and such

by Haruka Tenou June 9, 2006

181๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž

Moon Head

A person with either:
A large fore-head
A Head almost as large as the moon itself

John: hey you have a moon head.

Ben: yeah I know I have

by MoonHead2kbig June 22, 2011

34๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Moon Landing

When two men (or women) are changing clothes in a locker room with their backs to eachother, and they bend over to pull down their pants at the same time by accident. This results in their asses touching eachother. Thus, a moon landing.

Brad and Billy are getting ready for football practice, and they both happen to pull down their pants at the same time.

Brad: "Woa dude! What the heck man?"
Billy: "What's wrong with you?"
Brad: "Your ass just touched mine!"
Billy: "Awe come on, you can't tell me this is your first moon landing."
Brad: "There's a name for it?"

by 7-String April 5, 2010

399๐Ÿ‘ 137๐Ÿ‘Ž

Molester Moon

An emoji that looks like a moon. If you send this emoji three times to someone via text, then that person will get a message from Molester Moon describing their death in other emojis. For example, if you sent it to your friend and then Molester Moon sent them a chicken, a monkey, two red balloons, and an explosion. Somehow they will die like this. If you are sent these three emoji moons and recieve the way of how you're gonna die, Molester Moon will then visit you in the night and kill you as you were described. He normally shouts "I'm gonna molest you!....Here I come!" multiple times in a row. Molester Moon in real life is as tall as a human but very round, for he is a moon, and he has arms and legs. If you hide in your room and he can't get in because of how big he is, then he'll just leave.
To find out more about Molester Moon, visit Smosh.com or watch their video entitled "Molester Moon" to find out their story about Molester Moon.

Person 1: (sends three moon emojis) Ha! Now you're gonna die!
Person 2: Oh no!!! Molester Moon's gonna find me!
Later that night
*Molester Moon sends this to person one*
"โ˜€ โ˜ โ˜” โ›„ โšก ๐ŸŒ€ ๐ŸŒ‚ ๐ŸŒ™ ๐ŸŒŸ"
Person 2: Oh god, I'm gonna die from severe weather storms and then an umbrella's gonna shove a moon and star up my ass!!!!!
Molester Moon: I'm gonna molest you! Here I come!
Person 2: NOOOOOO
*person 2 dies*


714๐Ÿ‘ 255๐Ÿ‘Ž