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Alpha Whale

Someone who once thought they were the alpha male, top dog, and cream of the crop but has put on quite a bit of weight and is no longer worthy of the title.

He was once the alpha male of the group now he's just an alpha whale.

by pelicanpower January 7, 2009

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alpha bitch

the mind of a teen girl (no offense ladies) works similar to that of a wolves. in a pack of wolves there is always and alpha.
in a group of girls(cliques or bitch packs, guys be warned; do not interfere with the workings of bitch packs), there is the alpha bitch, usually the hottest and the biggest bitch, but not the dumbest bitch. she will surround herself with girls who are stupider(easier to control) and uglier than her, as to prop herself up by comparison, she will hate on other hot girl and walk around like a fucking queen.
in a pack of wolves if you attack the alpha or try to leave the pack the pack will kill you.
if you insult the alpha bitch,either by saying something, or trying to break off Ur friendship with her(leaving th pack), they will socially kill you, make you a loser.
this occurs even in cliques of 3 people, believe me, I've witnessed this shit happening, srsly guys, don't fuck around with bitch packs, shit like sorority row will happen.
i've seen alpha bitches fight and call each other cunts and shit b/cuz of their hottness, i've seen the alpha bitches control there friends, and turn there boy friends into their servant bitches.

see bitch, brittany, cliques, or bitch pack

girl 1:"hey did you see *girl2*'s hair style, it pretty.z"
alpha: "ugh, she such a cunt!"
(true story)

guy1:"dude, that chick so hot!"
guy2:"do you want to be anally fucked? and turned into a slave bitch?"
guy1:" um.... what?"
guy2:"alpha bitch dude.... alpha bitch."

girl1:"hey *alpha bitch*..... i don't rlly wanna be your friend anymore."
alpha:" WHAT!?.... oh, ok then...."
(next day *girl1* finds all her secrets posted on*alpha*'s Facebook wall, and a new album full of her dirty pics of her on fb too)

by hell if you should know July 19, 2010

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Alpha Douche

The leader of an entourage of douches who is loyally followed despite his incompetent acts of incompetence.

Matt is the Alpha Douche of Caleb, Kyle and Chris

by llooop July 17, 2008

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alpha raccoon

an alpha raccoon is what you get when you survive a raccoon attack you get like 10 sec before he gose ape shit on u and ur house

holy shit its an alpha raccoon get the mega phone

by fitz1234 January 3, 2019

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alpha thot

the most thotty girl you know. king thotomous. not queen thotianna. not thotty pippen. thot jordan.

Guy 1: "who's that girl?"
Guy 2: "thats the alpha thot. ALL she does out here is think"

by the rook July 7, 2014

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Bravo Alpha

Bad-Ass as pertaining to aviation or the military. Bravo, the NATO phoenetic alphabet letter for B, and Alpha, the phoenetic for A.

B.A. = Badass

"That barrel roll was very bravo alpha!"

B. A. Baracus is totally Bravo Alpha.

by Doug the rabid goldfish October 12, 2010

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Alpha Male

A cocky, obnoxious dude who is insecure and deals with people by putting them down. He is small so he acts big. Often these flaws come from his immaturity and low social status. They have no real power so they feel the need to exude jock male attributes to put themselves over.

I hate how John Doe treats people, he's such an alpha male.

by lff-2000 March 25, 2022

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