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a word highly overused by science and engineering kids. generally used at both the beginning and end of a sentence.

see also dude

dude, yo, what was the calculus homework, yo?

yo, that was one easy test, yo, i think i yo aced it.

by dkljhgfakjfglhkjgl October 7, 2009

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A pronoun used in reference to oneself (synonym- me)

You wanna know who broke your window?

by *subject name here* January 12, 2008

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a contraction o the word "you", used and repeated several times in almost all the conversations that people makes now a days, and is usephul to stupid motherfuckers when they donΒ΄t know how to start or vinish a sentence. This fucking little word can start and finish the same sentence at the same time.

yo,(thinks for a while), IΒ΄m gonna butfuck yo up twice,(thinks for a while)YO!

by Mely December 17, 2003

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Swedish Yo-yo

The Swedish Yo-yo is when somebody takes a hot load of spunk in their mouth and stands over another person. Then the person with the man mustard in their mouth starts to slowly drip the cum out of their mouth, then slurps it back up.

Alex: Dude, Amanda was doing the Swedish Yo-yo above me lastnite, and she didnt slurp it up in time so I got my own man jizz all over my face.

by Derek H. aka xmypantsx August 2, 2008

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playing yo-yo with a turd

When you have to shit so bad that you can feel a turd breaking the surface only for you to pull it back in, as if your ass is playing yo-yo with a shit.

Guy 1: Dude, we gotta stop soon.
Guy 2: Nah man, you can make it.
Guy 1: No, seriously. I've been playing yo-yo with a turd for the last ten miles. It's about time to walk the dog if you know what I'm saying.

by Nerples December 23, 2013

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1). a greeting
2). part of the word yo-yo
3). many gangsters get mad when you say it

person I: "hey!"
person II: "yo. whats up?"
2). yo-yos are fun!!
person: "yooo!"
ganster friend: "whatd you say white girl? i'm gonna kick yo ass"

by kate117 December 12, 2007

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A person who wears a flex-fit or snapback with a flat brim backwards and who uses the phrases:
"imma gunna do..."
"w'imma do"
"yo wut up"
A person who thinks they are cool by the teenager on the street status or thinks they "bad-ass" or "gangsta"

"Yo! tevyn here's w'imma do. iight?? so we gunna jack this ride, right, then we gunna roll up in the parking lot nex to Wendy's and we gunna steal some of them burgers. iight?? got the plan?? iight We be out. imma see you later homies"

this is what a convo between yos trying to jack a ride^^^

by brabbitthe carter December 13, 2011

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