there’s so much joe down at maddy halls house she’s the one that goes to loyalsock in like 7th grade and is friends with ava d
Anyone E-4 and below in the U.S. Army. No one cares about them and there are plenty of them to spare. Often referred to as the Sergeants bitches.
Fuck the joe. No one likes them anyway.
Joe is a ungodly manifestation of Kyle, it is said that whom ever should dare ask of his existence shall be met with severe consequences as a result. Some say he may be a spawn of the devil.
Man1: hey joe is coming over tonight to play some red dead 2
Man2: who is joe?
Man1: (laughs) you pathetic fool
A being named joe is the mother of whomever reads this, though usually referred to as, mama. It is considered as a WOMD ( Weapon of mass destruction ) and the use of the question “Who’s Joe” has been banned by the UN and ranked more dangerous than a nuclear bomb.
“Who’s Joe?”
“Joe Mama.”
Person A then left the country as his life was over there.