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1. The incorrect spelling of poseur.

2. (lit.) Somebody who poses, ie. a model. This term is not used as an insult.

1. Don't forget the "u", dammit!

2. Naomi Campbell is a poser. She poses for pictures and fashion shoots all the time.

by redhed311 September 28, 2005

32๐Ÿ‘ 101๐Ÿ‘Ž


Anyone who is a devoted listener to any of the following:

New Wave
Nu Metal
Old Metal
Any Metal
anything with "core" in it's description
acapella boy bands
Pop Whores or Divas
Anyone who's "goth" (especially fans of heavy metal and their shit taste in music (trendy fags)

The fact is that "good music" can come in any form but you trendy fucks just like to latch onto the latest trends and don't even really give a fuck what you are listening to as long as you "think" you are cool or "in".All you fuckin fashionistas should be shot!

poser poser poser....FUCK fashion and FUCK Music videos!

by and if you don't like it then FUCK you September 3, 2005

23๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž


The name poseurs use to make themselves look cool.

Too bad they can't spell for shit.

"LyKe OmG U r SuCh A PoSeR"-Poser

"Umm? Yeah... Sure...Faggot"-Innocent Nobody.

by meandyourmomplottingyourdemise February 24, 2005

5๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


Poser is anyone who dresses and acts like someone they saw or heard and liked. This definition includes almost everyone. Posers tend to associate with other posers they feel afinity with, and diss anyone else that doesn't fit their pose! Almost everyone in highschool is a poser. Almost everyone in highschool is a follower, and that makes him/her a poser. A poser is anyone who, although dressing and acting as their posing buddies, still dresses properly for Thanksgiving or Christmas. A poser is someone who, by the age of 21 or 22 (some later), forgets all the shit that they used to say and believe in, but never questioned. Posers are well brought-up middle class kids, with enough money to spend on whatever they want. Posers have space for rent...in their heads. You can dress all you like, hear all you want, but USE YOUR FUCKING BRAINS!!!

Whatever the hell you probably though off in a moment of clarity... looking at you and some other poser

by Viriato October 4, 2006

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see anyone who is gothic or uses the word POSER,LOL, PPL, l8r, U, UR,TYPES ALL IN CAPS, or doesn't eat meat.

the 100,000 people out there that say because they're goth they are diffrent but dont realize that because they are goths they aren't unique or diffrent. Don't use the word poser ever!

by forsakenspirit22@aol.com December 24, 2005

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people that want to make me quit skating

i fucking hate posers like blink 182 cause they fucking suck ass that have no talent with thir insturmentsexept for the drummer

by Expose_yourself_to_kids June 3, 2005

23๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. a hard question
2. the way idiots spell poseur

man, number 47 is a poser *rubs chin*

you: the slut is such an emo goth punk poser
me: it's spelled 'poseur', you poseur
you: wateva

by pedro''s vagina October 23, 2007

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