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booger touch

A creepy, icky, unpleasant quality of socially awkward people that often presents in the form of a soft handshake, a wet kiss, or a weak hug.

My great aunt Shirley's kisses make me dread family events. I do everything I can to avoid her booger touch.

by bobo76 September 18, 2014

the tit touch

When you touch the tit with any object. Hand, penis, face, brick, knife. As long as it touches the tit, you're good.

Can be a man's tit or a woman's tit.

Person one: Yo, dude! Heard that one guy got laid last night.
Person two: Yeah, apparently all he had to do was the tit touch and she was down and ready to fuck.

by aawuhua123 June 14, 2017

peena touch

when you firmly grasp one's pecker

Pierre: Richie I'm going to do a peena touch in 3...2....1....
Richie: *screams*

Pierre: No homo

Richie: Oh word

by chungusgirl January 16, 2019

muby touch

More or less the opposite to the "Midas Touch", everything the person touches turns to shit.

Not only does it look like he has the "muby touch" but it also appears he's used it on himself repeatedly.

by HarryPNess July 22, 2008

Savuth Touch

The sexiest, funniest, sweetest, most wonderful, and most generous man in the world. He'll make a great boyfriend, loving fiancé, wonderful husband, and a fantastic father. Savuth Touch's have a very literal sense of humor and a tough exterior, but on the inside they are as soft and snuggly as a teddy bear. Savuth Touch's belong with Shailie's because Shailie's can be trusted with their soft hearts.

guy 1: that guy walks like he owns the world
guy 2: yup, he's definitely a Savuth Touch

girl: Awe, that Savuth Touch is so perfect. He must be with a Shailie.

by kittura October 27, 2011

Touch Pad

1. noun. a piece of technology, mainly used on portable computers, that acts like a mouse, but requires use of the finger to control the arrow on the screen
2. noun. a common synonym for the vagina

1. The Touch Pad is one of man's greatest inventions.
2. I felt her touch pad last night, and man was it interesting.

by Humpcatter16 January 17, 2010

6👍 1👎

The velvet touch

1 : An adult boutique store that not only sells good porn, but also is the center for Strippers giving massages with the happy endding.

The strip club is a place to lose your money for no pussy,
But the Velvet Touch is another story.....

by MagusMadeMe August 17, 2006

14👍 3👎