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Weak suit

The polar opposite of strong suit

Man, remembering names and faces is definitely my weak suit

by Jlrectorr November 13, 2020

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weak socks

Socks that are lame, or not cool, typically worn by kasey.

Those are some weak socks

by BradPittttt0304 November 29, 2016

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weak as a shrimp

the feeling a person may get whilst attempting to leave their bed in an early morning, or in extreme cases a likely cause of not being able to escape from a coffin once its buried. also a reference to being lame or un-cool.

Ayla: "Dude you look like shit, and why were you so late into work today?"

Georgina: "I was out until 4am this morning, give me a break!"

Ayla: "Ughh, your weak as a shrimp"

by brix-silver May 11, 2011

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cock weak

Feeling too weak, tired or just plain old lazy to accomplish a task. The opposite of cock strong.

Chuck went for a workout at the gym but claimed he was "cock weak" as soon as he started lifting.

by Mcjd November 8, 2007

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Weak Juicer

1. lacking the ability to drink
2. lacking character or personality
3. person unable to hang at the level of his peers
4. person, usually female, that is the weakest in the pack

1. Rich, Will, and Marcus are weak juicers because they backed out of entering the beer olympics this past Saturday.

2. Haily gets drunk and throws up after two beers because she is a weak juicer.

3. Andrew's new family is causing him to be a weak juicer.

by GB Fertig February 5, 2007

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weak titty

something that is a bad or horrible experiance

"what your girlfriend dumped you for your best friend? that's a weak titty"

by the only nasty nate April 11, 2008

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Weak Sauce

A suburban white guy that shows at the ghetto gym and declares his range as "the gym" then proceeds to miss his first three layups in a pick-up game.

Yo Homie, your game is Weak Sauce
Damn, Weak Sauce, pass the ball

by Hoodles January 6, 2007

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