When you're stuck on third base or can't get past.
"Hey man I'm stuck on the third. Can u give me some tips?"
When a girl gives birth to a baby over the toilet and she flushes it to get rid of the baby. Babies who survive usually become dumpster babies.
Carlos: Hey did you hear about what happened yesterday at prom night?
Kevin: What happened?
Carlos: Karen pulled the Third Method in the Female Bathroom Stalls!
Kevin: Wow! I hope her parents don't find out!
Give someone your sweater (heather by conan gray)
I still remember, the third of december, me in your sweater, you said it looked better on me than it did you
Me: Ivgi what the actual fuck stop being Third Impostor
When you're just playing some good ol'e fashioned Among Us with the pals. You're relaxing having a great time then OUTTA NOWHERE Justien throws some sus on people. But he gets out of hand and really starts spreading the sus. But he's wrong and he's also not the imposter.