Source Code

Steven Universe

A sad show about a neckless half-human, half space rock that has a dead mom. oh yeah and theres also gay space rocks and three angry but big gay space rocks called the Diamonds

Karen: Steven Universe is for kids

Amy: I cried for five hours when it ended

by GaySpaceRock0w0 October 6, 2020

Vanderton University

A university that does not exist in real life but is used for TV movies especially Lifetime.

Vanderton University! Go, team!

by Slang Advisory Board May 12, 2020

Linked Universe

An AU about the nine idiotic heroes in the Legend Of Zelda franchise. These nine consist of:
Name (game(s) Title, era)
Sky (skyward sword, hero of the skies, sky era)

Four (minish cap, four swords, four swords adventures, hero of four, the force era)
Time (ocarina of time, majora's mask, hero of time, era of the hero of time)
Wind (wind waker, phantom hourglass, spirit tracks, hero of winds, era without a hero)
Twilight (twilight princess, hero of twilight, twilight era)
Warriors (hyrule warriors, hero of wars, war era)
Legend (a link to the past, links awakening, oracle of seasons, oracle of ages, a link to the past, triforce heroes, hero of legend, era of light and dark)
Hyrule (the legend of zelda, the adventure of link, hero of hyrule, era of decline)
Wild (hyrule warriors: age of calamity, breath of the wild, breath of the wild 2, hero of the wild, era of the great calamity)
This AU was created by Jojo on Tumblr

Person #1: Yo dude did you see the new update?
Person #2: Update? To what?
Person #1: Linked Universe, man! It's an amazing AU Jojo created on tumblr!

by IlikeTLOZ&Anime February 13, 2021

Miami University

A public ivy league school located in the beautiful Oxford, Ohio. It was founded in 1809, years before Florida even became a state, and 120 years before the University of Miami (Florida) was instituted. It is a mid-sized school known for its top ranked business and education programs along with its incredibly attractive student body. North Faces, poloโ€™s and Greek letters are a staple, and weekends are never boring. Hockey is our sport, even though we still don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan.

Your time at Miami University will be the best four years of your life.

by miamigirl November 14, 2006

644๐Ÿ‘ 238๐Ÿ‘Ž

University of Waterloo

(noun) UW for short. A large collection of nerds big enough to promote misleading facts about the actual intelligence of the average person belonging to that collection.

Kevin: I'm going to study math at the University of Waterloo after I graduate high school because it's renowned for its math program.

Jake: Being a nerd doesn't mean you're intelligent Kevin!

by Shittalker February 10, 2010

775๐Ÿ‘ 291๐Ÿ‘Ž

widener university

Located in the heart of Chester!

It is a place where you dont want to cross the bridge or else you might get shot. It has about 5,000 students yet the parties are always at the same few houses or andorn. You always know someone at a party; almost everyone. The drunk bus is very convenient. It is the only school that can order pizza at 3am in the morning from ACAPULCO! While walking on campus late at night, a car drives by, and the thought of "a drive by" or getting raped by a CHESTERITE runs through your head at least once. Gotta love Chester!!!

by Lex February 17, 2005

195๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž

cambridge university

A university where the top students go to drink, party and lose their virginity,

Cambridge University: What grades did you get?
Student: AAAA
Cambridge University: Ok are you still a virgin?
Student: Yes
Cambridge University: Ok then you're in. dont worry you'll pop your cherry with a nice organ scholar soon enough!

by deano2007 April 25, 2007

296๐Ÿ‘ 105๐Ÿ‘Ž