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Welfare rider

Welfare Rider-1. A lazy nonworking man who has more than one child to live off welfare so he can freeload and do nothing but eat and play games with the babymama. 2. A sloppy female who has children just to live free off the welfare system. To obtain all services completely free to keep her freeloading man. Just awesome ghetto fablous and EBT rich.

Both have low IQs and that Im rich state ego because they are freeloading off an elderly relative who worked and has a home or vehicle. Designer clothes knock offs from discount stores. Getting all free holiday gifts for multiple children from Goodwill and Churches. They usually commit the act of going to free foodbanks when they have fresh food for the homeless. They take extreme offense if you inform them of what they do and tell them its not morally right.

"Look, Saggy has another child she doesnt watch or keep clean. That Welfare rider is laid up in her Grannys house living fabulously. No bills no stress so she can kept the freeloading man." "Here we go again. That man has another child hes claiming with that special needs woman. They are up to three. Hes never kept a job. Plays the ssi system for that minimum check. They got $2000 in EBT laid up freeloading in her Grannys home. Paying no bills, eating Grannys food, New cars, fablous knock off designer clothes and always has the newest game system always complete with all the games. That Welfare Rider has his perfect woman who he picked from Special Ed class so they can ride off of her Grannys house and money."

by Flossie Mae's Mommy December 2, 2024


Fake finger nails, typically longer than 1/2 an inch from fingertips, with large amounts of color varience, or one solid color that starkly contrasts skin tone.

Shandira's welfare-claws are long enough to kill a man.

by AttackonJordan July 7, 2017

IT Welfare

Performing Information Technology task(s)/job(s) for employees, clients or customers who do not have the skill set to perform the task(s)/job(s) or are unwilling to do it for themselves.

When Users don't complete UAT properly its our jobs to provide IT Welfare and do the job for them...

by jabanks69 January 9, 2018

Welfare soda

The off or generic brand of soda found in stores.

Mindy bought welfare soda for the picnic we had Dr. Perky instead of Dr. Pepper.

by Binkley18 August 13, 2023

Welfare Lesbian

A woman who insatiably craves dick, but thinks men are the bane of existence... takes every cent she can from the government and is happy to adopt and foster every kid she can get her hands on because it will increase her monthly income

Tammy has four kids, but has eight more living in her house... getting about $200 per kid, what a welfare lesbian

by Kramardi August 21, 2022

weed welfare

When you're so poor you can't even afford your own weed!

We be on that weed welfare!

by Weed welfare October 14, 2015

manners welfare

When one has to apologize/make excuses for others bad manners. Usu. a liberals way of defending bad people.

Dawn has manners welfare and has to explain away some morons bad behavior.

by fan of R.A.d. November 4, 2013