If to scared to say nigga you can say wigga instead.
Marcus: You little Wigga
Mancus: Wow i have so much respect for you now.
Guy 1 "sup nigga"
Guy 2 "im white"
Guy 1 "sup wigga"
Guy 2 "what does that mean"
Guy 1 "www.urbandictionary.com"
A White person who thinks and acts like he is black
You talking about that white guy from the hood? yeah, he a wigga.
what white people’s n word is
I have to use wigga, since mello wont let me say ni🅱️🅱️🅰️
a wigger or wigga, is normally a white person who is trying to be ghetto and thuggish. Wiggers are wannabes and annoy the hell out of everybody else. They try to blend in real thugs. Dont be a wigger!
Wigga: what up my niggas!? What it do homie?
Thugs: bitch shut yo stupid ass up be for u hurt yo self. Dumbass wigga!
Black man- sup nigga
White man- nuthin much wigga, sup witchu