A long lasting fight or great amount of tension between two or more neighbors.
Little Girl: Did you hear that the Attucks and the Benesons are having a yard war?
Little Boy: Yah
Little Girl: Adults are so weird!
Slang term used to describe someone that lives in a camper in someone else's yard. These people can't even afford the trailer park. They generally don't have running water. They are a lower form of white trash and can be found in their counterparts yard.
He is total "yard trash" and can't even afford his own trailer.
A female that vigorously roams an impound yard; yard bitch; zero tolerance for bullshit; calling the shots
"Dem folks don't want yard bee to take em out to tha yard, that bitch might get craaazy on dem niggas"
A driver of epic proportions. His swing bears a graceful resemblance to that of Gary Sheffield and John Daly, which results in him smashing golf balls 400 yards off the tee box.
Dude 1: Hey did you see yard ripper tee off?
Dude 2: Yeah! He ripped that shit 375 outta the yard and over the left tree line, but hard faded it back into the fairway.
When your iPhone decides to auto-correct fucktard.
Damn it, I said FUCKTARD...not duck yard.
the name you call an ex wife and a wife who dont get along
Tammy and her husbands ex always have beef, they aint nothin but yard sisters.
A yard fighter is a low-class, violent person whose chief form of expression is yelling at and fighting with members of his/her family in public. Such dramatic displays often take place in the front yards of mobile homes or in Wal-Mart. Yard fighters are responsible for the majority of police domestic dispute calls. Typical dialogue (shrieked as loudly as possible for maximum effect): "Before my mama went to prison, she told me you was no good - no damn good!"
My brother's first wife was a yard fighter. Thank God he finally divorced her.