Something a pussy would say. NOT a swear word. Morty uses it a lot, because he is a fucking pussy.
Oh jeez, Rick!
Oh jeez, what is happening!? (Instead of "Shit, what the fuck is going on!?")
svsfvsfbfbjonjjnjsbfnjbnf I'm Fucking Dying ssfvsnfbsfbisfbnsfijb
Oh No Me Heart Stopped adcdovoskfvvsfvnjosvjno I'm Fucking Dying advsfvfskonnonj
Realizing something when it happens, and your first instinct to comment when someone does something horribly screwed up.
Example 1: "I stole all your taxpayer dollars." "OH HECK NAW!"
Example 2: "GYAT! You lookin fine!" "OH HECK NAW MAN!"
A phrase used similarly to express a subtle dislike or frusturstion
Oh Picnic! I left my wallet at home!
some weird thing old grumpy english teachers like to say
oh great swamy i think this may be an essay question