A boy’s name. It can also be used as a girls name. Women named Ryan are typically cruel, demanding and extremely weird. She will poop on your windshield if you aren’t careful.
“Ryan why did you dump that nice boy?”
Ryan: “he bought me a candy bar and a soda when I did not tell him to.”
Ryan is a man of great looks and all the girls love him for his great jokes
"Ryan is the hottest man in the world"
Ryan is the name given to super buff and fit kids who are godly at basketball.
Ryan is the greatest of all time.
Ryan is the sexiest man in the world and he has powers to win everything he ever wants include girls named Kelly who actually want him so bad but they will never admit it because they play hard to get. He is also very talented with his willy and will destroy anything that he touches with it! At the end of the day you just can’t resist him otherwise he will hunt you down and kill you it’s that simple!
Ryan was so romantic last night he even picked my nose for me cause I had grease on my fingers from eating TPJ’s.