it's a material i like to call drugs it helps me through the day
Friend: dude, are you high again?
Me: nah dude, im just filled with joy and happiness
When someone is really excited, and has a smile on his face.
George:I am mom's and dads happiness.
Mimi:the same goes for me.
I'm so grateful for a life full of San Holo / happiness
The greatest sin according to modern day society
Person: I’m feeling happy!
Millennial: You are evil! Happiness is an unforgivable crime against nature! YoU mUst diE!
Something every teenager doesn't have
"one day I will find happiness!"#1
"wanna bet?"#2
"shure! who ever looses has to pay 1000,0000 dollars to to the winner "#1
2 years later
"pay up"#2
"fine but i won't be happy about it"#1
"no duh remember you couldn't find it"#2
when your definition doesn't get rejected for the urban dictionary you experience this
She was filled with happiness as she read that her definition wasn't rejected