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Little Bitch From Goa(LBFG)

A person who has stayed in Goa for too long to not start every sentence which, "But in Goa, this happens like..."

Basically someone Gujju but in love with Goa.

Someone who's shrewd and cute at the same time.

Someone who can loathe anything Delhi or North Indian almost instantaneously without batting an eyelid.

Anal about art, cleanliness and such myths.

You didn't like the cafe, did you, Little Bitch From Goa(LBFG)?

That Little Bitch From Goa(LBFG) there is too much of a snob, man!

by DawnIndia August 27, 2012

6πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

hot little half cast

Term describing the present day female victims of the stolen generation.
Generally speaking they are around 1/4 to 1/8 boong to achieve hot little half cast rating, though this is subject to actual appearance.

-friends talking-
friend1: I was working the till and this boong came up and asked for sex in the neighbouring alley.
friend2: Yeah sounds about right.
friend1: Yeah she was a hot little half cast aswel, spewing my boss was on shift.

by foana July 10, 2009

4πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

twinkle twinkle little douche

A guy who is so blinded by his own ego that he thinks he can lead on any girl he wants and act practically like bf and gf then get back with his gf out of the blue leaving the other girl confused and wondering what went wrong...Twinkle twinkle little douche differs from douche bag because a douche bag at least knows he's a douche but just doesn't give a fuck whereas a twinkle twinkle little douche thinks he is god's gift to girls yet still thinks he is a "good guy" but for some reason still can only commit to high school girls because college girls intimidate him because they won't take his shit and worship the ground he walks on, yet would be way better gfs than his current one...term popularized by the MTV show "Is she Really Going Out with Him?"

Girl 1:I though he really liked me...? :/

Girl 2:He DID really like you, he's just a twinkle twinkle little douche so he thinks he can lead girls on until the next one or until he decides to get back with his fake ass, photoshopped skanky gf...

Girl 1: He can go fuck himself

by regretbutdontforget March 28, 2010

2πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Getting a little edgy, fellas

I see you guys are downvoting my definitions…

Seems like some people are mad or something.

Are you Jews that worried? Well, don’t take it out on me. You shouldn’t underestimate someone like me.

You Jews surely need friends and I’m not even responsible for this failing economy. I really don’t know why people hate me so much…

Getting a little edgy, fellas

by Death Menace May 24, 2023

1πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

big planet little succ

A way of expressing your current feeling when your desperate for the succ, but nobody wants to succ, so you feel lonely in this big world of succ.

Grandtheftauto5: Hey girl, wanna give me some succ?
Dalaquishiatintiswaffatalakinorinovintismashinshish: No.

by the schmouse May 17, 2018

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Spoon with a little bit of flavour on it

Used when offering hawaiin shave ice (better know as a snowcone) to a dog. A very rare term but when used guarunteed to make someone laugh.

(said in a baby voice pronounced like elmer fudd) want a spoon with a little bit of flavour on it ?

(spoon wif a widdow bit uh fwavor on it

by D_to_the_Avid May 2, 2006

3πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

The little lolly pops who could

a fiction story created by michelle in school suspention at Carmel High school (where the hell is dat?)

"The little lolly pops who could"
One lolly said to the other
Mean lolly: You can't do anything. Your a useless lolly.

Nice lolly: why r u so mean to me.

Mean lolly: Because, i feel like it.

Nice Lolly: r u being mean because u have no friends.

Mean lolly: yes, i wanna be ur friend.

Nice lolly: Sure, i'll be ur best friend.

Mean lolly turns nice: i love you

Nice lolly: i love you too.

Both lolly live in lolly harmony. Forever.....lmfao :

by miserableindetention May 29, 2009

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