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Suck my cock on blackpool rock

Go away

Why don't you suck my cock on blackpool rock!

by maaadddiieee August 2, 2008

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National suck Brians dick day

This wonderful holiday falls on June the 28th

Get on your knees for him

National suck brians dick day

by Reallandy June 27, 2019

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go suck your mamma's tit

This means you are acting like a child. A child young enough to still be breast feeding . Basically telling the person that they are tantruming like a 2 year old child. typically said during an argument.

Oh quit your whining, and go suck your mamma's tit! I've had enough of your bullshit! Act like a grown up for Pete's sake!

by SweetieOne December 2, 2017

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Suck your bf dick day

Suck your bf day is a celebration when we thank our boyfriends for being there for them by pleasuring them by sucking their dick

Adam: you know what day it is SUCK YOUR BF DICK DAY :)
Emily: I’ll get ready ;)

by Annoynoumas April 18, 2018

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suck a fart out of a dead seagull

When someone tries to get smart to u.

Yeah yeah, go and suck a fart out of a dead seagull

by chris.k May 9, 2006

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roman sucks dick at cup pong

this is the sum of this random kid named romans life. he cannot beat emma at gamepigeon cup pong for shit. maybe hes stoned, maybe hes buzzed. but even if hes sober, his abilities are limited.

roman: whats does urban dictionary say about β€œroman sucks dick at cup pong”

emma: im not sure but ill let u know

by emmarain106 October 22, 2018

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Sonia sucks at 8 ball

When Sonia is so bad at 8 ball that she cheats but deep down she knows she just sucks at the game so bad that she gets jealous and calls people short because she knows she super fucking short.

Sonia sucks at 8 ball. You know she’s just terrible at the game.

by Miss spelling genius February 27, 2022

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