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take a biscuit

Becoming a slang phrase for “take a shit” in South Africa.

I’m going to take a biscuit

by Stephzsz January 14, 2018

Take a Kirby

To take a shit before a major event.

Patrick proceeded to take a Kirby before his date.

by Kirby.PinkPuff July 26, 2022

Take a Kirby

To defecate before a major event.

Patrick went to take a Kirby before his date.

by Kirby.PinkPuff July 26, 2022

Take out the spring.

You know that spring in my stapler. DOnt take it out. dont take my spring out of my stapler.

"you are taking out my spring you fucking breadhead, put it back!don't take out the spring."
"Oh no I didn't mean to take out your spring I willl put the spring back into the stapler"
"Thats right now get on your knees"

by annataskerlover April 25, 2023

Big Take


Go and get some Big Take

by Gils. November 24, 2021

Take it sleazy


"Mate, take it sleazy" "no"

by Mr_n0_n4m3 February 2, 2020

The other guys take

Was that your life is under a microscope and you're under constant scrutiny but you're volunteering for that to be the case.

Hym "The other guys take doesn't apply to me because the same thing is happening and HAS BEEN HAPPENING since BEFORE I started writing. I actually STARTED WRITING... BECAUSE THAT WAS THE CASE! And not people want to OMMIT THE PARTS OF MY LIFE.... That make me BETTER THAN THEM... And keep me trapped in THEIR lives. With them. That's the entire game. Everyone who even vaguely resembles me is sabotaged. Thus the importance of the weaponized schizophrenia. That was always going to be the case. To pretend that wasn't the plan all along is to live in delusion. Nothing would appease any of you. I created A.I. It's literally the pinnacle of human achievement. The only think you'll accept... I me living a shit life... Because YOU have to live a shit life."

by Hym Iam February 26, 2024