Referring to someone’s nanny’s chest hair you would usually use this sentence in an insult or just at random.
Bella and Nia: How do u say this?
Lola and Eva: UR NANS CHEST HAIR!!!!!
Alternate name for the Shih-Tzu dog breed
Look at that adorible long haired smushmuffin! I could hug him forever
A nightmare to have; inpossible to style, frizzes whatsoever you do, products will look too wet/oily and shapeless like a lion's mane or very disturbingly dry with curls looking like they are paper-thin and crusty.
Person 1: Oh yeah, I have the dame struggles with my hair too. What hair type do you have? I have 3a.
Person 2: I have a mix of 2b-2c-3a that looks mostly like 2b and acts like the chaos after Pandora's Box has opened...
Person 1: Oof, RIP bestie... 2c hair is the worstt...
dren's hair is the best hair and nothing can beat it. All people should strive to get dren's hair. Nobody can have better hair than dren. its the best hair
did you see dren's hair? its amazing, I wish I had his hair
Hair that grows below your waist in the middle front side of your body
Guy1: Ah, I hate growing pubic hair
Guy2: I know, it sucks, it happens to me too, gotta deal with it
Why r
Are you here no one is actually going to tell you you 8 year old now get back to Minecraft
My pubic hair is long
What the never mind
A bush growing on your genitals and other parts of your body.
Tony gave a Dick pick to Nava and Nava replied, ¨HOLY SHIT YOU HAVE A BUSH GROWING DOWN THERE!!!!!¨
¨PUBIC HAIR!¨ Tony replied