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Bad Noonie Effect

When make up won’t stick to the skin around your eyebrows and it leaves you looking like a raccoon eyed loser.

That is the “Bad Noonie Effect”.

by Jkessler14475 June 6, 2018

Asim is bad at valorant

A word that is often used to describe how much better progamerryan is at valorant. Asim Sariay really thinks hes good lol that bozo.

Asim, Ben is better than you at Valorant. (lol jk its actually progamerryan) Asim is bad at valorant
(cringe reyna instalocker xd)

by progamerrryan September 25, 2022

Bad Fail

When one fails to badly, it can only be described as Bad Fail.

Bad Fail > Epic Fail in terms of describing failure.

by Teh_Hoplite August 20, 2007

Big Bad Bowers

The newest mainstream meme of 2019. BIG. BAD. BOWERS. The mythological creature assumes the form of an over-tanned boomer who deems itself to be “The Dean of Global Discipline”. Going by the myth;
1. The creature follows you home afterschool.
2. The creature waits.
3. The creature enters at midnight...
4. Steals your vapes.
5. Slides a slip for “Saturday School” underneath your pillow.

Person 2: “The who?”
Big Bad Bowers: “Good Better Best. Never Let It Rest Until Your Good Is Better And Your Better Is Best!”
Persons 1 & 2: “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!”

*shits themselves*

by Doctor Doomer September 29, 2019

Dartmouth is Bad

A phrase written on cardboard signs by clever Bishop Stang Students since 2019. The saying is often accompanied with the words “Stang is Good.” It is a profound statement that Signifies the totality of How Dartmouth High Sucks. The motto is solidified by the fact that the Dartmouth Chickens are whiny crybabies who refuse to play Stang Basketball. It has been reinforced by Stang v Dartmouth hockey games and was brought to its fulfillment when the Football Team Beat the Green Guys 21-14. “Dartmouth is Bad” is loathed by Dartmouth morons because they’re jealous we thought of the catchy slogan first. Catchy slogans along with Beating Bishop Connolly Basketball are more of a Spartan thing anyways.

Stang Student: Dartmouth is....
The entire Stang Student Body: BAD!!!!!!!

Dartmouth student: While I’m angry at the Stang Student who held a sign that says “Dartmouth is Bad”, on the inside I’m actually jealous because I wish we could be Good like them.

by Stang Is Good 2020 December 14, 2019

Bad B!tch

Someone who is either emo, or is a pick-me.

Girl: I’m a bad b!tch
Boy: No thanks

by MettatonSimp63 March 24, 2022

lil pump is a bad guy


who is bad

lpiabg (lil pump is a bad guy)

by March 9, 2021