Crusty old lips that are harder than a rock. Tend to be difficult to kiss and mostly found on horny little boys
Isaiah had boner lips and I could not kiss him anymore
The most fire and drippy clothing brand known to man
Damnnnn this Boner Rivera shirt makes me hard!
when your girl says something that gets you hard from a distance without the need of any touching
her: yeah i’m not wearing panties
you: damn bitch I got a boner from that
her: that a bluetooth boner
The act of jamming ones boner.
This chick starts talking about her kids on our first turned into a real boner jammer
unimaginative writing caused by a bloated bland gland
If he had a well-hung imagination he wouldn't inflict of with his banality boners
A natural erection of the male Penal Gland that occurs involuntarily during events that are otherwise mentally or physically inappropriate,and results in some sort of social chastisement. Sometimes even Death.i.e: A man has an obvious erection at the funeral of a lived one, or when he's at a job interview. 2. A socially unacceptable erection of the penis, that is completely involuntary and in welcome by the male with the erection. 3. A term used to describe any situation in which something embarrassing is suddenly revealed.
It was very unfortunate for Mark that a reluctant boner popped up just as his girlfriend introduced him to her five year old neice and he was murdered.
when another person attempts to force you to have a boner in a bad situation, like work, or a corporate presentation.
Jeff: My sadistic ex keeps boner terrorizing dudes in this online community they're in.
Jeffs Friend: personally Jeff I think boner terrorism is wrong, and I'd never endorse it. It is ethically questionable at worst, and attention seeking behavior at best, in my amateur medical opinion, and believe personally its starting to affect my community, but I don't care enough to ask for it to stop, but I'm just saying.
Jeff: bro wtf are you talking about?