a loser with no friends except his/her calculator. usually enjoys watching reruns of the crocodile hunter when not enjoying calculator sex.
Hey, nice glasses...you fucking Cal Chris, hows Steven Erwin feeling?
When a woman pisses you off, but want to be subtle about it, so you don't come off as a misogynistic piece of shit. Can also be used for when you wake up and feel and look like shit. Have fun with the word
Dumb Feminist - "All Men Should Die! We don't need them"
Man - "You know, I woke up Chris Breezy and I could punch something right now, so I would stop being a piece of shit, and take that back"
Dumb Feminist - "Fine, just don't punch me"
To enjoy sloppy seconds from Cousin
Guy 1: didn't your cousin date her?
Guy 2: yeah, but I like to Chris Duda.
Chris is a man from south florida who sends in lots of clips of car crashes to the idiots in cars youtube channel
Person 1: Yo you watch idiots in cars
Person 2: Yeah do you like chris from south florida