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Rapper Kris Wu's most well-known freestyle performance.

A: Do you know Kris Wu?
B: Yes, I love his DA WAN KUAN MIAN.

by #111 March 24, 2019


Da-Nahjrae is a very sweet hearted girl,she is always concerned about others but also insecure about herself but knows her worth Da-Nahjrae can be sweet but spiteful when she needs.Da-Nahjrae is loyal in both friendship snd relationship.Da-Nahjrae isnt a known name but she happens to be known.

Everyone needs a Da-Nahjrae in their life!

by thee unknowns. November 23, 2021

Wenn da Stick foat

Please see provided picture:

-Woa shit, wos wor gestern min Bobby?
-do siachst wos passiert wenn da Stick foat

by killeroblivion April 9, 2021

da 2

Meaning: Second in order. Usually used in last names.

Tony Jefferson da 2 is a Former American Football Safety who most prominently played for the Baltimore Ravens of the NFL.

by SlamOnyx May 20, 2023


when two people have so much swag you can't bare not to look at them

dude 1: dude look at that couple.
dude 2: i can't take my eyes of them.
dude 1 : defo swagga-da-vida-loca

by d.woody227 August 16, 2012

Da Moochie

A gang consisting of some stupid damn people: I love Applesauce, I am a Nutritious Plant, I am Good, Coolbeanio, Rubix Magic, I love Snakes, etc. This gang also looks forward to crushing All Friend's World, another gang.

Me: Let's play The Green Slime Boy

You: Oh my, ok. So what's ya password

Me: Andymac mama join them

You: Ya join them and ya see that...


You: Oh my, I have TA go now, call me at seven

Me: POOOOOP *Hangs up*

by The Man with the Pam January 13, 2022

rob da pistol

When your partner wants you to cum inside of her. She feels she fulfilled and it is her duty getting you to unload every bit of cum into her and loves the feeling of it splashing inside.

Yeah she robs da pistol every time.

She can’t get enough keeping me in Bombliss and and loves to rob da pistol till it’s empty whenever we can.

by DIRTNAPP March 1, 2023