When your significant other is showering and your hard penis peeks around the shower curtain to see what is happening.
Why are you sticking your rager around the shower curtain?
Shhh…he’s just a Curious George.
A evil man who burns peoples crops, poisons the water supply and steals livestock, he comes from the UK, his existence is most likely a mistake a caused by a scientist, or one of Margaret Thatchers minions.
Curious George was sentenced to death after news got out that he said the n word, somehow he escaped from his cage and has been up to no good since then.
A tall man whit a middle aged man’s taste in style, he has a massive munting habit and is the kind of guy to spend an hour editing the definition of Bitch in the web to insult a friend
Don’t be such a “George Guif”, be more like a “Tom I’ll”
When you fold a dollar bill in half so the fold runs under George’s nose and then run it down the crack of a strippers ass.
I was at the club and I gave this stripper a Dirty sanchez George.
This is a day where we are thankful for georgenotfound and his amazing content and merch he provides. (georgenotfound.shop)
Did you hear today is Thankful for George Day? Everyone is so thankful for him.
aka a guy with really weak shins
“oh look it’s benjamin george thomas the third, i dented his shin the other week”
The dog who gives you the bone on Christmas day.
"She's lettin' my boy in the back door tonight" " yeah bro he's chilli george in it"