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Chubb Cakes

the little pudge that men have in their mid section, usually enough to grab when they are not expecting it. People named Aamir usually have this little extra. its fun to call them chubb cakes in an annoying voice. they like to hit migits

-hey hey aamir
-CHUBB CAKES!!!! *grab the chubb

by Yiv January 14, 2010

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Texas Carrot Cake

When a man spreads carrot flavored icing on another persons chest then gets a massive erection and carves the outline of texas into the icing with the tip of his erect penis

yo dude i have some extra carrot flavored icing you wanna give me a slice of texas carrot cake?

by erak September 24, 2008

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ate my cake

Two people who likes each another decide to have sex and there forth there's not longer a relationship , due that fact.

also: after hook up symdrome, when you realize wasnt a good idea for you to have sex, because you really liked the person.

I feel so sorry,I had sex with this person i really like and I guess I ate my cake before the weeding, won't txt, talk to me anymore...

by Latint81 July 18, 2011

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for when you want to say f**k but you can’t

Oh fudge-noodle-cake!

by BigBear126 August 30, 2019

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hot birthday cake

When you cum on someones ass and then stuff candles in their anus and light them

I gave my girlfriend a hot birthday cake for her 14th

by analprolapser3600 December 18, 2017

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Vanilla Fudge Cake

When 2 guys lay down butt to butt and shat on eachother while rubbing it on each others body's

Me and my bro made a vanilla fudge cake last night on the couch.

by anonamous:) April 24, 2017

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Gooey butter cake

When your balls are so sweaty they feel like they are melting into your leg

My balls feel like gooey butter cake right now from this car ride

by Gooeyness May 18, 2015

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