One of the realest, most honest, and most humble YouTubers on the platform. Provides you with straight to the point, no bullshit tutorial guides on glitches in a wide selection of games, but focuses on Grand Theft Auto V.
You ever seen J Stone on YouTube? Well check him out! He is worth your while!
J money gland goons all over the place, like no tomorrow. Watch out, he may steal your gurl with some t swizzle karaoke. But blud does not know how to finish.
Scream out in the middle of the classroom or any public setting, "J Money Gland" as loud as you can.
The stage in a man's life where he spends the majority of his life. This stage is where a man has a job and some money but his mentality is still very immature. He only cares about; what he wears, how he looks, how is publicly perceived, what his friends think, how many hoes he has, playing games romantically and his appearance on social media. Also known as the "Keeping up w/the Jones's"era. Always only wearing Jordans and name brand. Posting receipts and stacks of cash on socials. (Generally a bunch of dollar bills wrapped in a few hundreds or twenties. Spending all his money on name brand clothes and stacking debt. Rather than saving, planning for retirement, investing or buying items that hold true equity. This stage usually last until mid 30's to early 40's and is accompanied by 1 if not 2 baby mama's.
Babe, I love you! I promise, I'm past my J's stage, I want to build a life with you and buy a home. 🤣
I need a man who is not stuck in his J's stage!
Nah girl, it ain't serious. That boy still in his J's stage. On to the next.
going to compete in a sporting event, but making up a dumb excuse to not play, because you are afraid of the competition.
Yo how did Phil do against the Compton Warriors
He didnt play
He was j-russin
J bean is a kind boy with a big heart also he smokes cocaine daily.
J bean is a good boy
the greatest rapper of all time .
“is that a goat nvm it’s just J-PRO”