The top of spongebob hair in anix's video on youtube.
Spongebob goes to his house that has pineapple hairs on top of it :)
The saying of the top of a pineapple, as seen on the new bikini bottom video by Anix. Of course This is a word.
eww! those Pineapple Hairs looks Old
Word created by Anix, meaning you don't know what the real word is for the spiky things on top of a pineapple so you call it pineapple hairs.
I don't know what those green things are callled, so I'll call them pineapple hairs.
The green leaves atop a pineapple, that you cut off a pineapple. Word created by Anix on Youtube. Youtube link is in tags.
Anix built SpongeBob's house (a pineapple) in bloxburg, and he used pine trees for Pineapple Hairs.
If your here you are either Anix himself or one of his fans, HI.
The spiky , green bits on top of a pineapple. (Or the green stuff on top of sponge bobs house) Credits to Anix :)
Anix: Look at those Pineapple Hairs!
Frenchrxisisisisis: they are very spiky heheheh :)
A word to describe the stems on top of pineapples made the YouTuber Anix.
Frank: I just got a pineapple
Mark: What are those pineapple hairs called?
pineapple hairs are the hairs on top of a pineapple, which my remind some of a spiky Mohawk or crown. The inventor of this word (A mix) also famously invented Bachook
My mouth is swelling because I ate the pineapple hairs please call 911 thank you