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Beer Swelling Monkey Suck

someone who is nasty looking and fat

that minging bird is nothing but I beer swelling monkey suck

by Matt W March 22, 2005

3๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

National Suck Your Boyfriend's Dick Day

A wonderful holiday where your boyfriend needs his dick sucked

Bae its National Suck your Boyfriend's Dick Day so let me suck your dick

by TheRealUrbanDicrionary October 18, 2018

204๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

the bosses cock isn't going to suck itself

In large corporations it is imperative to understand that the bosses cock isn't going to suck itself if your goal is to move up the ladder.

Excuse me, Derek? The bosses cock isn't going to suck itself.

by milfhunter37 March 31, 2003

55๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Suck my dick and call me nancy!

A phrase used to show suprise, or disbelief. Substitute for woah or wow

"Dude I'm down at time square, where are you"
"At home, why?"
"Dude, some lady is standing on one of those big signs with a poodle and a rifle, get down here!"
"Well, suck my dick and call me nancy! I'll be there!"

by Jimi, The King August 17, 2009

46๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

suck the semen from the marijuana

When you try to get the best and last of your marijuana

to suck so hard on your bong that you smoke all of it, and it is sucked into the water

get a large hit

to get such a good hit, ht you jizz.

Sarah: dude you have to suck the semen from the marijuana

by imonlyanatom December 2, 2010

1๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Suck the cheese off a dead man's foreskin!

The ultimate of all comebacks to an insult.

Doubly effective as a comeback to a comeback to your insult.
Can be used when you're disgusted at something.
Or as an expression of surprise.

Your mother eats dog snot!
you: Suck the cheese off a dead man's foreskin!

Your father fucks chooks!
you: Suck the cheese off a dead man's foreskin!

If you were a grain of rice you couldn't do an impression of a fucking maggot!
you: Suck the cheese off a dead man's foreskin!

by kam75xx June 11, 2021

13๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

i want your babys sucking on me

it is the famous words spoken by ninja he does want YOUR babys sucking on him

it will involve him saying i want your babys sucking on me as he asks you to send him your dick picks as he commits cock and ball torture

by mcdonald gobler December 14, 2022

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