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Rowan House

Rowan House is a person that probably needs rehab. Dyes their hair 14 different colors a week. Fucks around with crystals 'in shit. Probably blames shit on there zodiac sign.

Your acing like a Rowan House with all them damn crystals 'in shi.

by Luck_Goldy October 12, 2021

alamo open house

It's when you push your enemy or friend (if you are an awful person or you both are) down a well or below ground enclosure with ground level opening and while they are awake and terrified you defecate above them and say "remember the alamo" and refuse to help them out until they "clean house." Also known as " the buffalo bill basket."

Hey did you watch silence of the lambs? That part where buffalo bill keeps that girl in the well is so frightening! Oh yeah? Not as frightening as an alamo open house!

by wuce brayne January 8, 2014

wes's house

A house where all the meth heads go to hang out and stay up for days at a time stealing shit from eachother and helping one another look for said stolen items

Let's go to Wes's house and get methed out.

by Big E from the lobby November 27, 2017

Open House

A person who openly and unashamedly cheats on their partner with any willing soul.

"Did you hear that Jeremy homewrecked John and Emily's relationship?"

"No dude you've got it all wrong. He cant homewreck them since Emily is an Open House"

by Chek-apiece September 24, 2023

Shot-House Hopping

If two shot-houses are near to each other; usually connected by adjoining property, nearby parking, or related ownership. This allows participants to walk between the two without having to drive.

Ryan: That backyard dog makes a great bouncer for this Shot-House Hopping event. If you walk to close to it while you are drunk it's chain trips you on your face!
Dana: That's what makes the difference between a Hopping and a crawl!
Ryan: (Drunk, Rolling on the ground laughing)

by T3CHN0PH0B3 September 11, 2021

Ye olde clam house

Veteran franciscans know one of the best places to get the best seafood in the city is. Ye olde clam house on bayshore blvd near 3rd Street and just a stones throw from the alameny off ramp from 101.

Ye olde clam house is a wonderful place to eat but if you're in the city and you don't have a car you could hop a Muni #9 San Bruno and it might take awhile but you'd eventually get there and it's definitely worth it!

by 4realazitgits April 17, 2021

Getting housed

Getting Housed is when you go to the hospital during a bad trip and they kick your door down and take all your shit

"I just got done getting housed by Merrifield Crisis Center who ransacked my shit and stole $100,000 worth of consumants that were supposed to last me until I was 50."

by Codey Neal October 13, 2019