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The Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Data Analysis Services

Review of FAGS. Report by Graham Alcock

by Żydokomuna May 10, 2017


n. 1 An extremely annoying, inconsiderate person most commonly associated with Harley riders.
n. 2 A person who owns or frequently rides a Harley.

Stan - Do you ride a big loud Harley and and go up and down the streets ruining everyone's nice time?
judge 2 - No
Stan - Then you're not a fag

by EWA E March 12, 2022


An abbreviation for:

Wow, Austin’s such a fag.

by KlingyKat April 28, 2021


There's a difference between a gay person and a fag/faggot. A gay person likes dudes where as a faggot is an annoying asshole, usually so deep in the closet they becoming homophobic to make everyone think they're straight

Eminem:you can't hack it, yea Paul's gay but your a faggot

by Fag hating homo March 22, 2018


Someone who is associated with Harleys.
Someone who rides Harleys.

You guys with tough beards and bandanas are a bunch of total fags.

by THAT_ROMANIAN652 June 1, 2020


An ex-boyfreind who purchases your aesthetically favourite cat after breaking up with you to:
A) Get over you; and

B) Revel in sadistic pleasure knowing you are unable to own a cat

Damn, he was one designer brand simping fag.
You should be glad you've got someone better now!

by idle_automaton April 25, 2023


fag is short for faggot. it is an anti-lgbt+ slur which some people in the community have chosen to reclaim. it was first used against the community when it started to become punishable by death to be or to be suspected of being lgbt+
the church would often roll these people up in rugs and light them on fire like a cigarette.

fag is used in the uk as slang for a cigarette, shortened from the word faggot, meaning a bundle of sticks.

Angel upon seeing friends: “hey fags!”
friends: “hello!”

jim: “hey terry, could you pass me a fag?”
terry: “yeah here you go.”

by buggyenby May 4, 2021