People who are quite obviously too used to living in a private home, and tend to be noisy when at an appartment or hotel room.
*while in an appartment* Gah! Your friends are such House People! Don't they know that they're stomping on someones ceiling?
Don't put the music too loud, you can't do that in an appartment, we'll get a complaint. You're such a house person.
Ejaculated themed Chinese restaurant based in Mahwah, New Jersey.
I went to Cummy House to get some noodles and it had too much cum in it.
The act of providing your partner with a few minutes of attention each day only to then ignore them for a few days following this, then after a few days giving them a few more minutes of attention and so the loop continues.
Similar to the watering of a house plant, you water it for a minute only to then pretend it no longer exists until it needs watering again.
''I'm so sick of Dan, I get home from work and he's all over me for literally five minutes and then its like I don't exist for the rest of the week, he's totally house-planting me!!''
Sleeping in your buddy's room(usually on floor) when there is a perfectly good couch to sleep on in the living room.
Mikey: God my back hurts from all the house camping I've been doing lately
1. A building inhabited by vagrants and/or squaters generally made from gathered materials ex (sheets of metal, plywood, plastic, cardboard etc.)
2. A dwelling place made with the homeless by the homeless and for the homeless.
Jim: "Dwight look at that homeless village"
Dwight: "No Jim... those are Shanty Houses"
House slaves worked within the owner's residence or on domestic tasks such as cooking, cleaning, childcare, and serving the needs of the slave owner's family. They often had closer contact with the slave owner and their family members.
Wife of master: Clean the rooms till I come back from the market
Johny:Yes Yes me pro clener
House slaves