a lying ass bitch. someone who can’t tell two sides of the story.
“you’re being so annoying and dramatic, you’re such a c*t!”
Literal definition of an Irish Cuck. Accept the truth,buddy.
"Cannon C is a literal Cuck wtf"
"Yes I am mommy uwu"
Cranberry Sauce made (specifically around the holidays) made with no evidence that the cook/preparer was dressed during preparation.
C-Sauce: Noun: cranberry sauce of questionable origin.
We can’t trust cousin Mike to cook for the family.... he’s never shared the recipe for his C-Sauce.
Cunt. simple.
Spelled as C nut to avoid Facebook censorship.
Fuck zuckburger.
She was being a total C nut today
yes i’ll show up to all movies
he said gr at it cd u i c c o so thats guaranteed he’ll show up to the movies
A very nice and beautiful species of bird that is trustworthy and kind to other birds. The bird protects her friends and is very passionate on anything she has her heart set on. Shes one of a kind and theres not many species left like her. This bird isnt very well known for its singing but it has an amazing voice. Once you have a Smol C you will definitely not want to let it go. Keep it forever and give them gifts even if they try to be nice and deny them. This bird deserves gifts.
Person 1: Ey yo fam i got a Smol C
Person 2: Dude those are so rare
Person 1: Dude should i cook it...?
Person 2: John give me the fucking bird...