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Bad Sandwich

When something is morally, physically or metaphorically just not right. That’s bad sandwich.

“I heard that someone on campus kicked a hedgehog.”
“Wow, that’s bad sandwich.”

EasyJet is charging £8 for a crappy ham roll.”
“Now that’s bad sandwich.”

by M4xx November 12, 2023

Bad Sandwich

When you've started something and don't like it but feel an obligation to finish it.

Person 1: I'm about to watch some more of this TV show I started recently. I don't really like it, though.
Person 2: Why continue to waste your time on it if you don't like it?
Person 1: It's like a bad sandwich. I've already started it, so I might as well finish it.

by 1251strokes November 21, 2023

Starbucks Sandwich

The only food more bland than unseasoned white rice

Bro, have you tried the new Starbucks sandwich? It’s so much better than Tim Hortons because it costs double the price and tastes like nothing!

by bigdickhoncho September 6, 2023

marmalade sandwich

a threesome between queen elizabeth II, paddington bear and sir captain tom moore

my top search on PornHub is marmalade sandwich; i love fascist sex!

by yummytumtumsilver September 10, 2023

depression sandwich

A meal consisting of all the items used in a dish, but eaten and prepared separately.
Usually done when lacking energy to cook.

A: Man, I really don’t feel like making lunch.
B: That’s okay, just eat some cheese, ham and bread.
A: Depression sandwich it is.

by Psy.psy.psy January 13, 2023

Chug sandwich

A chug sandwich is two pieces bread with a dick that is wider than it is long in between..

YO BRO... I want your chug sandwich

by Dadsspagetti May 8, 2019

mec-n-dog sandwiches


Guys, type mec-n-dog sandwiches into urban dictionary!

by fakeralsoof October 1, 2020