1. a person who guides/warns others about ho's based on his/her own experience.
2. any ho who gives advice on how to deal with other ho's.
3. a ho who reveals the secrets of his/her hoish ways to the inexperienced.
Thank god Jill warned me about that barmaid. She really is a ho sherpa.
technical whore. Professional contractor or service provider in the public or private sector who sells their technical expertise for money. This is opposed to a "techni-slut", who gives it away: a consultant, expert witness, a contract employee
Joe was torn between continuing as a techni-ho, the money he got consulting was good, but the lack of security and benefits made him uncertain; the alternative of "going native" and marrying the company would mean learning to play by others rules.
A primarily white school in the heart of Bergen County in Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ. Unless you’re too snobby for a public school or get bullied, everyone that lives in HHK goes here from Kindergarten-8th grade. Girls here are decked out in ivivva leggings and headbands that their mommy bought for them and all the boys wear the infamous nike basketball shorts everyday( even in the winter even though it’s against the dress code). If you hate playing basketball or Foursquare, good luck having fun/socializing at recess. You spend the early years of your life navigating through the school trying to find your way to art class while hoping your teacher will take you through the middle school hallway as a treat for being silent when walking. The grades are small, so chances are you have been “best friends forever” with at least 45 kids in the grade by the time you reach eighth grade. It is one of the best public schools, yet barley anyone that attends is insanely good at math. Also, the dress code makes every girl that attends have a mental breakdown every morning before school because none of their new shirts from American Eagle covered their butts when they wore leggings. Although the teachers are very questionable and the school lunches are way too overpriced for three chicken fingers, you wouldn’t trade going there for anything.
Dude 1: yea I went to Ho-Ho-Kus Public School growing up
Dude 2: no way that’s so lit man
a phrase used to describe something truely gay. Not the homosexual gay....but the kinda of gay that sucks bad, not hard. Abreviated "Triple H"
Zimora says you are hella ho ho 'fasho!
Ew! That is SO triple h!
Young Ladies who pretend to be your friend but who will eventually turn the conversation to Crypto Currency and offer to help you learn how to invest in Crypto or some sort of Currency. It is a scam and is done just to get your money... to get you to invest to make the value of their own Crypto go up. Total Scam. Usually they're pretty asian girls who say they own fashion businesses in New York, San Francisco or LA and are based in Malaysia or Hong Kong or some Asian Country. They will even talk to you on video chat to prove that they are genuine but they often use the same backdrop in their "office". It seems to be a huge ongoing scam. The moment you say you're not interested they fade away or are actually abusive and start calling you names.
I thought I was in love and that she cared for me but she just turned out to be another "Crypto Ho"... trying to get me to invest.
When your maritime mother confuses her typing
My daughter is a cup no brown ho