used by women who hate far left truth.
Stop or i will please stop harassing my son on facebook you
me: oh no! who asked!
A 'Facebook Fauxlosopher' is someone who scours the internet in search of 'inspirational quotes, song lyrics, words of wisdom or in fact, anything that is more intelligent and creative than what they can come up with.
They will then use these in there Facebook status updates (often under the guise that they have created them) in an attempt to appear intelligent and deep. Typically used by young girls and guys trying to get into young girls panties.
Typical examples of a 'Facebook Fauxlosopher' trying to seem deep and intelligent...
"Sometimes I've gotta close my eyes just to open up my soul"
"Honesty may be the best policy but insanity is the best defence..."
“It is never too late to be what you might have been.”
For example: Serrano shit on Nicole’s hilarious good morning text, not realizing it was an awesome 2014 Facebook post.
Facebook-blue is the specific blue used in facebook also known as the hex color code #4267b2
this word is mostly used when seeing another website with the same or similiar blue as facebook
Steve:"Nice website you got there, I see you are using Facebook-Blue"
Bob:"thanks, how did you know?"
Steve:"well, I just do"
The practice of luring friends (Facebook Sharks), by throwing "chum" into the water. Chum usually consists of political or religious comments... far too tempting for a Shark to ignore. The water in this case would be status updates and walls.
Related to:
Facebook Shark:
A fiercely opionated friend with a voracious appetite for debate. Someone who will pounce on loose comments and opinions and attack without mercy.
When someone knows a Facebook Shark is around... Facebook Chumming would be making a comment like:
"The Church isn't interested in money or power...."
A chronic cognitive impairment that is contracted chiefly by infection during unprotected use of Facebook. As the Facebook core demographic drifts older and to the right: the toxic memes and viral bullshit on your feed will fry your brain like a Sunday walk through Chernobyl.
Like regular Syphilis, those infected should expect to have their brains turn into swiss cheese.
There is no known cure.
My dad will not stop talking about how 5g can communicate with the COVID vaccine. I think he has Facebook Syphilis.
People on Facebook who are clueless about how everything they have typed into a search engine, retail online, twitter, Facebook, email, and anything connected to a desktop computer, or a smartphone has been collected and used to cause to them to follow or send them ads or request donations.
Wow, Facebook sheep, do they believe every meme, story, or celebrity they see or read about on Facebook? They follow like sheep to slaughter!