When a Father, Uncle, Grandfather, Godfather, or other male parental unit performed 'the funky monkey' (he dances) in front of all of your friends. Therefore embarrassing the hell out of you... and if in a more public place; also embarrasses those associated with you.
At Jenessa's Wedding, Mr. Robinson Asserted his Parental Guy Dance for all of her wedding guests... Well done popsys!
The trope in every action movie by which the villains, often highly trained soldiers, mercenaries, and hitmen launch an arsenal of every weapon known to man, yet can barely nick our hero or heroine with anything more serious than a flesh wound.
Often paired with the Good-Guy Bullseye, which Our Hero/Heroine uses to bring down a spaceship or aircraft carrier with a single, blindfolded shot from a pea-shooter.
Black Widow saved the day because the Russian hit squad had Bad-Guy Aim, allowing her to destroy the Kremlin by throwing a paper plane at it.
when you’re a girl gamer and a guy says “are you a dude or a guy”
When you’re playing cod and they ask you a dumb question “are you a dude or a guy?”
Hot hallway guy is someone that is probably older than you but always makes you stop and stare in the hallway. You've only talked to them once or no times, but your ready to show commitment. At this point, you've already passed the 'making fake scenarios phase'.
'ahh its hot hallway guy'
'he aint even hot'
'well for me he is.'
A type of dick that is small and minuscule in size. White guy dick disappoints you like Joe Biden did at the elections. It tastes like apple pie and smells like colonization. It is extremely veiny, this is due to the lack of blood in white men’s brains. White guy dick will satisfy for 2 minutes, that’s as long as they last.
Omg Sarah I tasted white guy dick last night it was massive, but his cum tasted like casseroles and it looked like one too!
8👍 10👎
To have a show canceled and then brought back by popular demand.
Invader Zim may or may not be pulling a Family Guy on us.
I’m talking about Stuart Harling. I’m not condoning what he did, just so you know
The guy was just a whackjob