Performing intercourse with a larger woman where the males Penis is inserted into the area between the belly apron and the upper thigh.
I Hot Pocketed that SSBBW it was very warm.
When you fart in bed and lift the sheets just enough so the smell hits your significant other right in the face. At the moment of impact you sing “Hot Pocket” like the jingle from the commercials.
“You wanna Dutch oven me?! I’ll hit you with a Hot Pocket when you least expect it!”
“Wanna get sweet revenge? Give him a Hot Pocket.”
When a guy finishes very fast. The sex is less than 5 minutes .
That guy I just had sex with is a Hot Pocket
When you and a partner have Intercourse in a sleeping bag.
Yo, do you want to come in my tent and make a hot pocket? We got sausage
A slur for Jewish people
“Quick easy thing to cook in an oven”
“Are you kiddin’ me? That hot pocket couldn’t last a second in Auschwitz”
A hot pocket is usually a type of microwaved food, although it can also be a 4 person sleeping bag. It is made when they all consume 1.2 metric tons of Taco Bell, then proceed to fart with the ocasional shit making a hot pocket of air inside of the bag. You can make this a double by eating hot pockets before the taco bell however it probably won’t have much effect.
That dude has the brain of a hot pocket.
But that’s an object?
An object filled with shit.