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Ur Bad Kid

A phrase used by toxic 9-year-olds on Fortnite.


by Doors. August 26, 2022

ur continent no straight

the insult worse than
ur brother a mother
ur granny tranny
ur sister mister
ur mom gay
ur dad lesbian
ur grandpap a trap
ur family transgender
ur country bisexual

Guy 1:ur mom gay
Guy 2:ur dad lesbian
Guy 1:ur family transgender
Guy 2:ur country bisexual
Guy 1:ur continent no straight
Guy 2:*Dies in extreme unstoppable pain*

by WoodenArcher June 20, 2018

ur grandma have penis

Alongside the likes of "ur mom gay" and "ur dad lesbian", "ur grandma have penis" is a phrase that can be used to absolutely D E C I M A T E someone in an argument

Gay kid 1: I fucking hate you and ur dad lesbian
Retarded child numero dos: lol ur grandma have penis

by Link6456 March 14, 2018

ur daughter an otter

The most powerful insult ever invented. It's was said to be the cause of the Big Bang.

Dale: Ur mom gay lol
Tom:Ur dad lesbian
Dale: Ur son a nun
Tom:Don't make me say it
Dale: You know God forbids anyone to say it.
Tom: Ur daughter an otter
*Dale becomes vibranium and another universe is created consuming earth and Hitler is reborn*

by Big tits dayle March 30, 2018

i stole ur bread

i told u i would steal ur bread

I stole ur cheese and i stole ur bread.

by strawberry milk the idiot July 6, 2024

ur dad is women

Use when you about to win an argument with random dude and when you about to win but he/she said : your mom
quickly use ''your mom is men'''. But if he/she said : your dad then quickly spam " your dad is women" and if he still trying to win about that argument, be like me. Tell him : "I have segg with your dad ass" and now you win the argument for 100% sure

random dude : your mom
your self : your mom is men
random dude : your dad

you : your dad is women
random dude : crying

by Sadly_f September 22, 2021

Ur mum

Ur mum is ugly 😃👍❤️

Ur mum is ugly 🥰

by spacelings September 11, 2020