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green puss disease

A highly lethal and contagious STD that causes small green growths around your vagina (which is either obtained by way of the disease or preexisting). These growths burst and omit a glowing green waste product.


by the omnipotent garage door February 1, 2014

Green Shell Taxi

The best taxi service across the whole Mushroom Kingdom.

I'ma hitch a ride by Green Shell Taxi.

by Γαπδθμ Λφπ Δдялειг April 3, 2021

Green Pee Syndrome

A disease that turns your pee into green because you forgot your friends when you had a girlfriend.

"Did you see the piss?"
"What about it?"
"It's green!"
"Oh my, it's green pee syndrome."

by jabaol October 7, 2021

green card soldier

Generic catch-all term for non-citizen enlistees in the United States Armed forces. The history of foreign nationals being recruited into the US Army is one that goes all the way back to the Revolutionary War and has continued to the present day in the form of Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) and other programs that allow non-citizens to join, granting them citizenship in exchange for honorable service. Although theoretically only open to legal, documented residents, there have been many instances of undocumented immigrants, particularly recipients of the DREAM Act, enrolling in the past.

This practice has, in recent years, been largely undermined by the administration of Donald Trump, a man who has never served a day of his life on account of his "bonespurs."

America is betraying it's green card soldiers.

by garcalej August 21, 2018

sniffing green leaves

Smoking weed

Jason was sniffing green leaves in the school’s restroom. He there’s it away in the trash then caused a fire at the school.
Jackie was sniffing green leaves in the school bus, then the bus smelled like green leaves and eventually made the bus driver to stop.

by Aaaaron S February 11, 2022

Puss Green Gooch

When your gooch gets infected and turns green with puss

Damn, I fucked that girl last night and woke up with a Puss Green Gooch

by EpicLolly36 June 15, 2021

Real Green Moment

The moment at which something occurs that you were expecting to happen later

I didn’t know she was expecting; that was a real green moment

by Gibdobus November 7, 2023