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Tyrell Biggums-Rape

Rape which cannot be defined by any other means. This type of rape guarantees the anal cavity of the victim to increase in diameter at least six inches. An experienced rapist will often cause the victim to bleed to death from his rectum, leaving the victim's corpse in a large puddle of semen, feces, blood, and in some cases, saliva. Although, this type of rape has only been spoken of in theory, and has not been proven to have ever taken place, those who claim to have witnessed this gruesome event are often scarred for life, and in most cases, kill themselves shortly after said rape-fest.

Person #1: Damn...Chuck Norris, Optimus Prime, Ving Rhames, Kimbo Slice, and Grimace just raped that hemophiliac six year old girl in anus...at the same time!

Person #2: Damn bro, that's some Tyrell Biggums-Rape right there!

by Musasa Johnson Zimbabwe lll February 5, 2009

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rape nipple

a nipple being applied in a raping fashion

a rape nipple is equal to a half a brain, or one duck brain

by Rape Daemon February 1, 2008

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Slide Show Raped

When someone incessantly shows pictures or memes on their cell phone.

Justin came in to the bar last night and slide show raped me with pictures kittens and guns.

by Annoyed@it August 18, 2013

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National rape day

It doesn’t exist, dumbass. Stop saying it does.

β€œIt’s National rape day!”

β€œNo, it’s not.”

by July 13, 2021

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Chocolate Rape Cookie

The result of mixing delicious chocolate chip cookies and date-rape drugs.

Guy 1: Hey, I heard Kristen's gonna be at that party.

Guy 2: Oh yeah? Are you gonna ask her out?

Guy 1: Don't need to, I've prepared some chocolate rape cookies.

by as8906 March 31, 2009

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National rape day

A bunch of idiotic lonely boys who want to go around and hurt innocent girls cause they got their ass rejected by one, and want to be asshurt about it, disgusting ass rapists piece of shits, girls if any comes near yall chop their fucking dick off and punch them right at their nose,

Lets make april 24

a national fuck up rapists day

Its national rape day

by Devilbitch1828 April 24, 2021

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Back Rape

When ever you are sitting down, and someone walks behind you and hits your back. Happens in very large, crowded areas. Pertains to mainly cafeterias.

I've been back raped 4 times now. That one girl won't stop getting up and sitting back down.

by pleasestopthenoises May 1, 2009

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