Synonymous with "Gummy Bears." The comparison is made to Crack because of its addictive properties and the fact that both are unhealthy to consume in mass quantities.
Also sometimes associated with a sugar high.
What do you want to eat? I got Twizzlers, Snickers, and Crack Bears.
A day where a Bear has to let you fuck no matter what.
July 21st is Fuck a Bear day, know Amy bears?
BEAR* is a game made by Cheedaman and Croutonium on the online-multiplayer platform known as Roblox, the objective of the game as a survivor is to complete puzzles to decrease the amount of time the bear has to find you, or complete puzzles to escape.
As a bear, your job is to hunt and kill all survivors to complete the game before the timer runs out, or you must kill them and stop them from escaping.
Person 1: Hey man, wanna play BEAR*?
Person 2: Heck yeah!
hell on earth
he has a big passion for torturing young cheerleaders
he’s a human grinch
I have heard jer bear makes everyone miserable”
Someone with the inability to get food, particularly Big Macs, off their mind.
Haiden: Jeremiah failed the test again.
Kellan: he was probably had his next Big Mac on his mind the whole time.
Haiden: Bro’s literally a Jer Bear
A Jer Bear is someone whose food addiction has progressed to the magnitude of an addiction to heroin. Food is often the only thing on a Jer Bear’s mind, especially Big Macs. Because of this, they often have trouble focusing. Other foods that a Jer Bear might crave could be pizza, french fries, fried chicken, pasta, or meat of any kind. It has never been proven whether or not the appetite of a Jer Bear can be satisfied, but most experts believe that it can not. The leading Jer-Bearologists claim that “Getting a Jer Bear to stop being hungry is like trying to reach zero degrees Kelvin.” Be careful if you ever meet a Jer Bear; they cannot control their hunger. The chance that he tries to eat you is reason enough for alarm, however, it would be far more devastating if he were to sit on you.
Haiden: Here comes Jeremiah
Kellan: He ate Jacob yesterday
Haiden: He can’t help it, he’s a Jer Bear
All the fat white women that you start seeing downtown when spring rolls around.
"Have you noticed all the downtown bear around?"