When your dick twitches unnaturally and it curls up like it's scared.
When you're blue balling for a month at least, and you or someone jerks you off and blows a gallon ln their face.
I asked Jessica to help me out with my dairy dick it was spectacular when I busted on her face.
When you're about to have sex with a beautiful lady and find out she has an Adam's apple, but just go with it....
Tommy was hitting on this pretty girl. She told him up front she's transgender. Tommy went with the slim dickings and took her home
A human that you are excessively pissed off at, but you still have an undeniable desire to hold their hand like otters do when they don't want to float away from each other.
Damn it Kyle stop making me want to simultaneously punch you in the tit and skip through a field of wildflowers holding your hand! You're being such a dick otter!
A unit of measure indicating a very short distance. I.e you're close enough to smell someone's dick.
Can you tell me where the post office is?
Sure thing! It's just a dick's wiff away!
A person who is such a dick that they might as well have one in their mouth.
John, don't be such a dick muncher.
A sexual position in which the male inserts his penis into his partner's vagina and proceeds to curl back upon himself, grasping his ankles with his hands to form a human "wheel." This position ought to be held for a period of no less than 10 minutes, after which the rider dismounts and no one is satisfied.
Linda: Are you coming to my bat mitzvah potluck this weekend?
Donna: Hell no, Linda, I've a got dick unicycle to ride.
Linda: Is the dick unicycle really all it's cracked up to be?
Stuart: Hell no, Linda, I have really weak wrists
Linda: Why is Stuart all covered in mud? Did he fall outside?
Donna: Hell no, Linda, we were doing the dick unicycle in the rain