An inconsiderate douche bag who generally ruins people's day with their antics. (Not related to the slur against homosexuals)
That dude keeps playing loud music in the library, he's such a fag.
A fag can mean two things:
1) a derogatory term used to describe homosexuals. Short for faggot.
2) a British/Irish term for cigarettes.
1) Jamie is a total fag
2) Lads, dya have any spare fags?
I’m going out for a fag
Specifically people named Trafford bowler, people of this kind are complete faggots and don’t deserve to live.
“Do you know anyone called Trafford Bowler?”
“Oh, you mean that complete fag who has no soul?”
“Yes that’s the one!”
'Do you want to pop out for a fag?'
'Do you want to roll a fag?'
'I'm just popping to the shops to buy a pack of fags'
A term describing annoying Harley owners who ruin peoples' days.
Hey, look at that fag driving his annoying motorcycle