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Ho ho

Fat man laugh

Little kid : why did you hurt me?
Fat man : ho ho motherfucker!

by Blank Man 2.0 August 28, 2019


A women who will sleep with a skilled trade/ contractor in the hopes of getting extra work done. Then, cuts them loose once the project is done.

Neighbor#1:wow! Cathys house looks amazing! How could she afford all that work! There must have been half a dozen guys working on that day and night!

Neighbor #2: it cost her $1,000, she can’t walk, and she’s knocked up! But, those Ren-ho-vations added $100,000 to the value of her house!
Neighbor #1: yeah, I’m not sure my husband would go for that! But, I’ll see how he feels about getting the porch done!

by Mynameisntshmuley February 9, 2021


A Hispanic male homosexual.

The maimi area has many el-booty-hos.

by jerry dow May 2, 2019