Noun: Informal: Someone who is simple, or basic. Bucket people are typically younger and can be found in terrible nightclubs, listing to chart music and drinking vodka mixer from buckets. They love the trashiest beach parties, cheapest bars and most disgusting clubs. Despite this however they swear by pre-drinking in their uni halls, usually playing 'Never have I ever' to get the night going.
Hey you wanna go to Dave's party this weekend ?
No! That will be crawling with bucket people
the kombucha mushroom people are little mushrooms that torment ski on a daily
"The kombucha mushroom people danced in the corner of ski's room today."
E mini and E micro futures created by the CME as a way to trade / hedge against black people on the futures exchange
ticker for december 2024: nigz2024 - mnigz2024
bro i just fullported some black people futures