One who profiteers from the acquisition and redistribution of COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Tests.
Oi Cuz, I'm stressin' bout the RONA, know any RAT dealers? I wanna make sure I'm RONA free before I catch up with Nan.
Jane is acting strange, I think she is going in the rats.
"Cab Rat" The lowest of the low, a driver who makes a mess in the cab of your truck or any truck for that matter and refuses to clean it after they have used it.
Dave keeps his truck spotless inside and out, he has just arrived at the yard to pick up his truck for the week to find that Tim has used it for a nightshift and left it looking like a skip.
Dave "Tim, you dirty f*****g cab rat"
Something you call someone or when screamed loudly can be used to scare dogs
Example:You're such a Bung Rat
The Element assigned to the rat in the Chinese zodiac, and a mythical creature.
My birthday says I’m the fire rat.
A rat, born in New York, New York, that is more than 12 inches in length, that has been subjected to single combat experiences resulting in death and has repeatedly shown quick and swift victory. Capable of killing any rat it comes across.
A: how did you solve your apartment's rat problem?
B: I captured a 12 inch long rat and had him kill a bunch of other rats one at a time and made a super rat, he slaughtered them all.
Definition: Rotten Rat : A person, group of people or a small business in which the owner and most stakeholders/employees have a severe gambling addiction and do shitty roofing work to support their habit.
Used in a sentence : “God damn those rotten rats messed up my roof”